

Saturday, December 4, 2010

love messages vs our love

~Don't find luv...let lov find you. That's y it's called falling in luv, bcuz u don't force urself 2 fall, u just fall~

its come naturally when i 1st saw u....n i know u feel the same when we 1st met..

~Lucky is the man who is the 1st love of a woman, but luckier is the women who is the last love of a man~

u're the 1 that i felt in luv with...n hoping that i was the last luv in ur life..

~It breaks ur heart 2 see the 1 u love is happy with sum1 else, but it's more painful 2 know that the 1 u luv is unhappy wif u..~

i always happy when we r r u...rite??

~A heart that truly loves is forever young~

always fall in luv with u

~Love me now, love me never, but if u love me, love me forever~

yes...4ever i wish

~Who do you turn to when the only person in the world that can stop u from crying, is exactly the one making u cry...

yes...when i want 2 cry...i'll find u...n u 2 sumtime make me crying...but im still loving u..

~Is it better for a woman to marry a man who loves her than a man she loves~

i loved you bcoz i feel ur love

~Love, true love, is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return.~

u're my true love

~It doesn't take a reason to love someone, but it does to like someone. U don't love someone bcoz u want to, you love sum1 bcoz u r destined too. It's because you fall in Love with them, that u then try to find a reason, but u always come up with the answer, No reason!~

there is so many reason that i couldn't find even 1 to tell u thats y i heart u......

~Never say goodbye when u still want to try. Never give up when you still feel you can take it. never say u don't love a person when u can't let go~

sumtimes i giv up...but i just can't let u g0 bcoz u're the pers0n that i loved

Monday, June 7, 2010

cutiku... cutimu jua....

hmmm...stlh sebulan mbesar di rumah...membuatkn kandungan lemakku smakin bertambah...jd kemalasan pown telah btambah dgn jayanye...hmm,mesti si dina ngutuk aku...hikhik...sape suh aku ckp yg aku akn kurus dlm ms cuti2 di rumah ni...hikhik

cuti ni kdg2 bes...kdg2 b0san....hurm...bes2 ble dpt jln2...tpi biler da bosan plak jln2 ni...ase cm tido kt umah ats katil yg becadar bunge2 aku 2 lebih indah bile bermimpikan putera istana dtg melamar aku...hak2...

tpi tido lm2...buat 0tak aku lembap dan mls sungguh bpikir...smpai kan adik aku yg dajah 2 tnye aku 2+2...Aku ley jwp 3...bile adik aku tny mn ilang lg 1...aku jwp...jap akak smbung tido...nti akak gtaw...ish2...tensen mak aku...

aktiviti2 time cuti....
~bersantai di pd.....

inilah poli pd...tmpt aku menuntut diploma aku tygkan pd korg...cnteq kan2!!

kami org nogori yg masih suko bersantai di pd!!! yeahh

kami picnic di blue lag00n....tmpt ni mmg fevret aku...c0z x rmai 0rg sgt!!

~shopink di jom heb0h putrajaya!!!

saje bg effect belon....supaya nmpk ceria....sukenye bile dye ceria...lalalala...

~ g pntai d goldcoast sepang....

b4 btolak...kte posing dulu kt umah...yeah!!!

aku n baby...kami mmg ske bgambar!!

baby bg utk tdk mghampakan dye...aku pown posing ngan bunge 2...cantik kan...ala2 gadis dolu2 yg tgu di sunting sang kumbang!! wahh gitu...

the end..

cuti ade lg sbulan...s0 esok aku nk g nonton wyg secara marat0n la....disbbkan kebosanan di rumah...walaupun sbnrnye aku bkn salu kt umah pown....hihi...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

MinggU exam yg memenatkan........

arrrgghhhh...terasa lega bile 8 paper final aku telah abis aku jawabkn...aku mmg ske bab menjawab2 ni....3minggu kowt final exam...puas aku tido,mkan n study...aiceceh r wey...tpi cm tido lg byk dr stdy...cmne aku nk jd rajenn ni...ade org ley bg petua x....???

aku ni mmg stdy 5minit tido 3jam...pergh melantak aku tido...patot r beRAT aku naek 10kg...huhu xde ahh...still maintain...(naek sket je..tpi menyebabkan membe2 lame aku perasan dgn perubahan drastik aku...xbley blah time majlis membe aku tunang,...mamat ni ley jerit kat aku..."Weh asal ko makin tembam???!!!" aku tergamam smbil memandang sekeliling......oh tidak!!! sume org tersenyum manis tgk aku....hins..malu blik cuti ni aku perlu diet dgn laju2...hikhik..)

inila pic kami bertunang...lalala

haa..cite psl membe aku tunang....tgh2 mgu final ni ley plak ade jemputan membe poli aku dulu nk bertunang...pergh..jiwe kac0 beb...aku pown nk tunang gk...nk jugak...nak jugak...ishh..sume membe nk tunang,,,nk kawen,,,nk bersalin...huh...gangguan em0si aku...

then kami pergi menghiburkan hati yang duka kerana xdpt tunang beramai2 dgn menonton muvie l0ser...(we are los!!!)

blik kg nti aku nk g melawat kwn2 yg da selamat bersalin...pergh ramai gk kwn aku yg da ade anak...aku?? anak??? owh lmbt aku tlg jg anak korg dulu k...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

SaLam Nak Kenal-Kenal Kowt

wahh akhirnye aku membuat blog sendiri...selepas teruja menatap blog org skg aku nk menyelit gk utk jd bloggers yg terselit di celah2 blog kecik jerk aku ni kn syik nk menyelit...tpi aku mmg ske bab2 menyelit ni...

hmm...korg nk kenal x ngan aku...(ish ko ni juju...sebok jerk...ko kn da knl aku...blahh dari katil aku skunk :p...)

rite here, dis gal wanna introduce herself
ni la aku...huhu..terkejut abg bOtak ni tgk kelebaran pp aku...aku malu dowh,..tpi aku cover cun 100%...supaya dpt snap pic ala2 dato' ct...chumel kn2...hurm tq syg u ols smpai kiamat taw(pjm ayt k.nita)

juz call me dheeya....23 year's old

from deg student in uthm (korang taw x....musti xtaw an...dulu kuittho...hmm,lao xtaw gk meh dtg bt pahat aku pr0mote u aku yg mmg superb ni)

course pe ek aku amik??? korg pk kan la course yg seswai utk aku....

pas2 pe lg korg nk taw???

salu lau aku dok lyn jerk kowt yg dak2 chatting aku tny...smpai nek b0san aku menjawab....